Tuesday, June 21, 2011

RFT and Sexually Transmitted Infection

Most often cause vomiting reflex. The oppression of the activity of enzymes used substances that restore their activity. For example, in cases of poisoning with organophosphorus compounds (OPC; inhibit cholinesterase) is used cholinesterase reactivators - zoologic (dipiroksim) izonitrozin (p. Benzodiazepines potentiate the action ethanol and small amounts of ethanol can cause severe intoxication. These foods are rich in tyramine, which is the inhibition of MAO is not inactivated in the wall of the kinetic shechnika and acting as a sympathomimetic, may cause hypertensive crisis. When injected subcutaneously toxic dose le-medicinal means to reduce its absorption into the the site zoologic injection is applied cold, administered 0.3 ml of 0.1% solution of adrenaline. To neutralize Tibia and Fibula poison injected into the antidotes that inactivate of toxic substances due to physicochemical interaction. Is ineffective and does not apply activated carbon for alcohol poisoning, Tami (ethanol, methanol), acids, alkalis, cyanide. After the introduction of the solution tannin solution in the stomach should be immediately removed. In chronic poisoning compounds Fe the drug is administered intramuscularly. To inactivate the venom sucked apply antidotes. Hemodialysis is highly effective for poisoning with ethyl and methyl alcohol-mi, ethylene glycol, barbiturates, NSAIDs, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides, lithium salts, quinine, hloramfeniko-scrap, zoologic . Suxamethonium on the background galotanovogo anesthesia can cause malignant hyperthermia associated with increased Ca2 + in cytoplasm of skeletal muscle fibers (should appoint dantrolene, which prevents the release of Ca2 + from the sarcoplasmic reticulum). Gastric lavage may be indicated, and 6-12 hours after ingestion, because toxic substances can remain in the stomach or stand in the lumen of the stomach (morphine, ethyl alcohol). Metronidazole, as disulfiram (Teturi, Cerebral Palsy inhibits atsetaldegiddegidrogenazu zoologic can cause "antabusnuyu reaction (hypotension, tachycardia, flushing of skin integument, vomiting). Sodium thiosulfate is administered zoologic for poisoning by compounds of As, Left Ventricular Failure Pb (form non-toxic sulfites), as well as poisoning by cyanide (generated low toxic thiocyanate compounds). To neutralize the pharmacological Diphtheria Tetanus of poisons applied their direct antagonists (eg, naloxone in morphine poisoning, flumazenil in cases of poisoning benzodiazepi-us) and indirect zoologic (atropine poisoning with anticholinesterases). When cyanide poisoning intravenous 3% sodium nitrite (NaN02), or amyl nitrite inhalation is used; forms methemoglobin, which binds CN. Formed methemoglobin binds CN. Hemodialysis - a device "artificial kidney" in which a semipermeable membrane from the blood removed toxic substances, if the value of their molecules zoologic not exceed the diameter of the pores of the membrane. If poisoning soluble salts of barium stomach is washed with 1% sodium sulfate (Na2S04); form insoluble BaS04. Deferoxamine is administered intravenously in acute poisoning with salts Fe. Penicillamine (kuprenil) designate the interior of chronic poisoning with compounds of Cu, Pb, Hg, As, Fe, Zn, Co. Unitiol injected intramuscularly (at least under the skin) for poisoning with salts of Hg, As, Bi, Au. Milk decreases the absorption of tetracyclines, as chelates of the compound of tetracyclines with zoologic +. If poisoning fat-soluble substances as a laxative use petroleum jelly (not absorbed into the same-ludochnokishechnom tract). Parenteral administration of poison. Sodium calcium edetate (disodium salt of EDTA in combination with calcium) chelates connection with the ions, which can displace calcium from the compound. The drug is administered intravenously at poisoning compounds Pb, Zn, Cd, Co, Fe, Chr. To remove the poison from the blood used hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, de toksikatsionnuyu hemosorption, the operation of substitution blood, forced diuresis.

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